Heilong Pool

Heilong Pool is the place where the Diaoshuilou Waterfalls flows down. The Jingpo Lake water tumbles down the fracture cliff of lava tunnel and resulted from the collapse of lava tunnels. The depth of the pool is 32 m, which is in a rounded shape with the maximum diameter being over 100 m. There are black basalt cliffs in the southern, western and northern side with the height being 12-18 m. A breach is open in the east where the water in the pool flows into Mudan River. The water is clear and enriches with variety of fish. In winter, the pool does not freeze with the water temperature being about 8℃.
地址: 牡丹江市景福街70号    电话: 0453-6996711    传真: 0453-6270037
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